Legal Tender

Rolando Admin

The Administrator
Staff member
Just an idea for a title that could lend to a funny pun in a clip. She's legal and tender. That's all I have so far. Anyone have any input on what this future movie should be about? Maybe she is used as currency? Maybe she works at the exchange? Any ideas are welcome.
Just an idea for a title that could lend to a funny pun in a clip. She's legal and tender. That's all I have so far. Anyone have any input on what this future movie should be about? Maybe she is used as currency? Maybe she works at the exchange? Any ideas are welcome.
This isn't one of my best...but she has a birthday, becoming legal (21 legal) and her slightly older "best friend" gives her a certificate for a spa treatment including moisturizing her body as she's massaged (tender). You could maybe even include a mani-pedi portion of this or, at least allude to it. From there a) she's given a health drink (or water) after her massage (like they usually do) and she becomes groggy and passes out. When she waked up, she's being prepared for a feast by her best friend and the masseuse They're cannibals and have been waiting for her to become 21 ("ripe"?). or 2) (ripped off a little bit from Tales from the Darkside's Anniversary Dinner), the last part of her Spa Day is soaking in a bubbling hot tub. She's drinking wine and passes out and the massseuse and best friend are boiling her for their feast...and again it comes out that they've been waiting until the time was perfect. In either scenario, they could say that the Spa Day was well worth it as she's turning out especially tender.
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A young female lawyer is put in charge of a legal case against the cann cafe. Shes arrogant and snotty because shes a genius in her feild and over estimates her abilities. Needless to say she loses the case before it even begins and in order to prevent a counter sue the firm / company she works for agrees to uses her as compensation to the cann cafe and she is cooked and eaten against her will. begging the entire time she is to smart to be eaten. Well thats my take on a scenario
Legal tender to me has mother daughter action written all over it. Mean old mom can now sell sweet tasty tender daughter she's raised to to hungry Masters as sex slave, meat, whatever they want. Mother gives a demonstration of how much her daughter is a slut. Girl fights it, but no good. she's sold.
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If one wants to go the secret society route, it could be that this is either not the oldest daughter (and thus she is "surplus"), or she is the oldest daughter, but has been especially troublesome in comparison to a younger sister, and now that she has reached the legal age, her parents are eager to get rid of her and sell her as meat to another member of the society they belong to. You could go one of two ways here, with one way being more straightforward and pornographic as to what kind of "tenderizing" ends up being done to her, or the more subtle route where she doesn't even realize she's been sold, and instead thinks she's being invited to some special dinner for some rich friend of her parents (you could make her a gold-digger to help make this a little more ironic), and while confused about why this would involve a spa treatment, she goes along with it. Of course, in reality, this is a chef doing his (or her) thing, and the rubdown would have a "happy ending" for her (because flavoring or whatever). Shortly after this is when the chef has a helper come in and they end up restraining her so they can bring in the stuffing and roasting pan. You could do the whole dinner presentation then, and maybe even have the parents there to quip about how she finally amounted to something, or something along those lines.
Cool idea.

I love the 'she finally amounted to something' line. Seems this sort of clip would have to go the comedy route and have a lot of puns.
I may end up combining some ideas together. Thanks again!
to further the "cost an arm and a leg" thing, maybe she's a new and unsuccessful debt collector who comes up short and has to make up the difference... alternatively sees an add for something she wants, thinking it'll only cost an arm or a leg, but it ends up being a full package deal. (and the dialogue "wait, where were we supposed to send the payment?" "too late to ask now...")
BunnyWrites has several stories that you could talk to her about adapting, Dolcett Stepmom and some of the "Normal Day" stories (there's one where a nun sells some students that comes to mind) would work with the "legal tender" theme. I don't know her and have no idea if she'd be interested in seeing her stories come to life but they're well written and it's worth asking about.
Just an idea for a title that could lend to a funny pun in a clip. She's legal and tender. That's all I have so far. Anyone have any input on what this future movie should be about? Maybe she is used as currency? Maybe she works at the exchange? Any ideas are welcome.
Here's an idea, Mom gets a phone call from the private school she's sending her daughter to that tuition has gone up and she's going to have to come up with X amount of extra money. She thinks for a minute then a wicked smile appears and she says "Maybe we can work something out?". Next scene cuts to prep where she's explaining that the daughter's grades weren't very good anyway and she can get a refund instead of paying the extra tuition by cooking the daughter for the principal who will be arriving shortly. It shouldn't be too much trouble to work the reference in "Lucky for me you just turned 18, you went from being legal and tender to legal tender". This would work with 2 actresses if you want to keep it minimal or you could expand it a little to add the principal, maybe a younger sister whose tuition is being paid instead of the refund, etc. Also shouldn't require any new sets or props although a school uniform might be a nice added bonus.
Having to specify legal about the tender makes me think black markets and money laundering is involved. Maybe she is in debt to some shady individuals who decide to use her to launder some cash in order to get legal tender. And as she is now recently legal and very tender, they decided to get her registered as legally meat “sell” her at a vastly over market price, before having a bit of fun with her before silencing the witness to the illegal portions of their business.
I guess here's another idea for a more serious option.

A Mad Max future where a couple enter a settlement. They stand out because they are dressed normally while everyone else looks like something from Mad Max, because they've been hiding out in a bunker until now. But with their food finally running out, they've been forced to leave. They try to buy food from a merchant in this settlement (they have pigs, chickens, and other normal-looking food), but their paper money is worthless. There is some trouble communicating, but he makes it clear he wants the man's wife or girlfriend. Initially they think he means just for a night, which given their hunger, they actually consider. Eventually it dawns on them they he means permanently. They are reluctant, but they are both starving, and they reason that if she married the merchant, she would at least be kept fed since this guy obviously is able to get food, and hopefully the merchant would give the guy plenty of food in return. That is indeed the merchant's bargain, and he helps the guy load up his SUV with as much as will fit in there. The two say their goodbyes and the guy gets in his SUV and heads back the direction they came out of. As soon as he is gone, the merchant motions for the woman to disrobe, which she reluctantly does. The merchant than checks her out thoroughly, and depending on where you want to go with it, you can either show the prep and everything leading up to her fate, or do a time skip, with one of a few different outcomes.

1) Whole Roast - Whether you show the actual cooking or not, that spit-roasting rig you have ends up with her in it, over some coals (you could maybe paint some rocks or something to make them look like burned down coals), with the merchant selling cuts right off of her to other travelers and/or members of the settlement.

2) Hanging Meat - Some time later, the woman is strung up like a gutted pig, for sale herself, whole or in parts.

3) Cuts of Meat - Some familiar looking legs, arms, etc. are now stocking the meat shop.
I have had a really hectic end f the month with work, which is a good thing since my cat needed a 3k emergency surgery and luckily made it. And you know how it goes, there are always other bills and such. So I take as much work as I can in all ways I can. I would love to just do clips though. I'd turn this thing into some real indie film shit if I had the time to dedicate. Still can to a certain extent. Just have a lot of other shit I have to do as well as Delish Media.
Just an idea for a title that could lend to a funny pun in a clip. She's legal and tender. That's all I have so far. Anyone have any input on what this future movie should be about? Maybe she is used as currency? Maybe she works at the exchange? Any ideas are welcome.
Here's a few ideas off the top of my head.

-A woman travels to another country and has a meal at a restaurant. When the bill comes up she finds out that her money isn't good there. Under the law of the country, if she can't pay the bill she has to pay the debt with her meat.

-A meat girl is bought as a form of investment. Her owner spends a lot of time fattening her up and training her to be the best roast possible. When she is ready the owner decides to cash in and sell her for meat.

-A son has run up quite the debt with a loan shark. To help pay it off, his Mom volunteers herself as meat.
LT, the post apoc one is pretty brilliant. That would have to be done right though, with a few establishing shots showing a good size cast of wasteland people in an abandoned place. And then most could be should on regular location inside. But that would be a thing...fuck it is a fun idea though. That may be something cool to do in a different story; the people coming out of the bunker thing. But then again the spin on the legal tender thing is really fun in that way with the wife being used as currency.

Joebalism, again when I see your posts I always think I'm talking to P Bateman. Hey maybe i am. Anyways, those are fun ideas too. And all actually usable and pretty simple to recreate without a lot of production costs.

Again, all of you, thank you for the input. These ideas help me out a lot!

Maybe I need to make a series of 'legal tender' clips all centering on that pun but different takes on it lol
LT, the post apoc one is pretty brilliant. That would have to be done right though, with a few establishing shots showing a good size cast of wasteland people in an abandoned place. And then most could be should on regular location inside. But that would be a thing...fuck it is a fun idea though. That may be something cool to do in a different story; the people coming out of the bunker thing. But then again the spin on the legal tender thing is really fun in that way with the wife being used as currency.


Plenty of ghost towns down in your neck of the woods to fit the bill, probably. Kind of hard to get to most of them, though.